Monday 17 November 2008

Name: Heidi
Age: 18
Earliest memory: When my hamster died
Film I have cried at: The Duchess
One thing I would change about the world: For nobody to feel alone

Name: Daniel
Age: 20
Earliest Memory: Going on safari
Film I have cried at: Donnie Darko
One thing I would change about the world: For all human rights to be respected

Name: Jordan
Age: 21
Earliest memory: Fighting with my cousin
Film I have cried at: Fox and the Hound
One thing I would change about the world: To be able to eat what you want

Name: Suli
Age: 19

Name: Sam
Age: 23
Earliest Memory: Seeing Dolphins
Film I have cried at: Free Willy
One thing I would change about the world: To not become cynical

Name: Sophie
Age: 18
Earliest Memory: Baking with my Gran
Film I have cried at: Titanic
One thing I would change about the world: To have choices regardless of money or status
Name: Anya
Age: 27
Earliest Memory: Getting my first doll
Film I have cried at: My Girl
One thing I would change about the world: peace on earth